In situ generated biocides

Dr. Josep Oliva
Published May 02, 2020

At CeraRoot CLINIC we are committed to provide a healthy and clean environment both for the patient and the dental professionals. For this reason, with this post we want to provide some insights about HOCl (hypochlorous acid also known as active chlorine) which is the standard biocide that we use in the clinic for the cleaning and disinfection of instruments, equipment, surfaces, air, dental chair water pipes, wc, etc.

In the last years, HOCl has become available as a strong biocide produced from the hydrolysis of salt (Sodium chloride) and water. Multiple studies reported that the effectiveness of HOCl against many bacteria and viruses is 100 times stronger than bleach. Moreover HOCl at the right proportion is much safer for humans than any other biocide and it was also approved by FDA in food to control microbial hazards. Nevertheless, the ecologic impact of the in-situ generated HOCl is of great importance since many plastic bottles and transportation is avoided.

The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) concerns the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms like pests or bacteria, by the action of the active substances contained in the biocidal product. This regulation aims to improve the functioning of the biocidal products market in the EU, while ensuring a high level of protection for humans and the environment.

Furthermore, the European Commission presented in 2015 the CA document on management of in situ generated active substances, where HOCl was included in the Annex I as an active substance in the group 939 Active Chlorine generated from from sodium chloride by electrolysis.

The ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) has defined the in situ generated active substances as if they are generated from one or more precursors at the place of use. In this line ECHA presented the last revision of the Article 95 List on 20th April 2020 with the list of all EU approved manufacturers of biocides and its precursors, including the in situ generated: active chlorine generated from sodium chloride by electrolysis.

In the dental practice we use the biocides according to BPR as Type 1 (Human Hygiene) and Type 2 (Surface Disinfectants)